Clayton Planter, Street2Boardroom Founder, Inspires Audience at Cardiff Capital Region Data Inclusivity Event. Helping Boost the Importance of a More Inclusive Future in the Tech Industry.
Wales has a thriving Digital Economy, employing over 45,000 individuals. However, a harsh reality emerges when looking at the socio-economic and ethnic background of this workforce: only 9% of tech staff in the UK originate from lower socio-economic backgrounds and 25% coming from an ethnic minority group.
The Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) Data Inclusivity Network aims to address this critical gap. This collaborative effort, run by CCR, Tramshed Tech, and Hodge Bank, looks to increase diversity within the data and technology sectors. The network’s focus is twofold:
At a recent event hosted by the network, Street2Boardroom Founder, Clayton Planter, delivered an inspiring talk. His talk, focused around bridging the gap between “street hustle” and the corporate world, resonated deeply with the audience.
Richard, Founder of Maven Cymru and CCR Consultant, said this about our Founder:
Clayton wowed the crowd at the Cardiff Capital Region Data Inclusivity Event with his inspiring talk around bridging the gap between the street hustle and the corporate world. The enthusiasm and energy really landed with the audience, sparking a number of discussions with ally’s across the region. The buzz about Clayton around the room at the Networking event was a testament to his tenacity and his vision.We are looking forward to seeing what we can do to support Clayton and Street2Boardroom landing in the region and making an impact through the many opportunities from the Legal Hustle course, boardgame and the promise of a new book!
This event shows how important initiatives like the CCR Data Inclusivity Network are. By creating a more inclusive tech scene, we can make sure everyone has a chance to succeed.